Archive for category: Signage
- Ring Audio (2007.04.07)
At various locations in the east end, and somehow still in business.
I guess guys are willing to cross the river to buy the last vinyl turntables still in manufacture.
- Fruits de (2007.04.05)
- Anita’s Type Styling (2007.03.27)
Rather extravagant orange Didot (or didot, generically) italics with crapola Helvetica and ITC Bookman. And handlettering.
Bit of a Cabbagetown mishmash that could stand in for a Leslieville mishmash.
- Fresh Donuts & Leases (2007.03.25)
- Palatina’s (2007.03.17)
One of my snobberies concerns true and accurate Palatinos.
But really, Zapf has drawn or authorized so many variations that trueness and accuracy are relative terms. This does not mean I have to like the default versions installed on computers.
- Branding with type (St. James Town edition) (2007.03.16)
I don’t know where to begin with this one, given its mishmash of el-cheapo jumbo Arial, delicate Optima subheds, and extremely superklassy faux-marquee. (Do you really think parking is ever worth $20,000 anywhere outside Japan?)
This development, by the way, is half a block down the street from the fantastically overdense and troubled St. James Town, and right across from the Food Basics.
- More-typical use of bank gothic in Riverside (2007.03.05)
And less pretentious than, say, the cheese shop’s.
- Eurostyle walkway (2007.03.03)
- The sign of the Trinity (2007.02.21)