Archive for category: Typography


What is “the Coach House way of doing things”? (I expect artisanal publishing to produce beautiful objects you will love to read)


A year-long hiatus from MetaFilter, where I am user 250 (1999), due to the entrenched stupidity of its intelligent and sophisticated owner and developer


Flowery, grandiloquent Craig Mod and developer-autistic Marco Arment are being disingenuous when they claim not to have defined a new publishing style. They have – and, after the manner of Butt and FANTASTIC MAN, it will now be copied


Errol Morris gets basically everything wrong in his “test” that “proved” Baskerville was the most credible typeface. But don’t worry: My corrections here will not change anything


Yes, the type size on the AIDS Memorial was reduced at one point, but “teeny tiny” it isn’t


Mr. CHRISTIAN SCHWARTZ visited Toronto


Nothing made me sadder about my contribution to typography than this photograph

Subway sign YOR seen through reflective window

The Readability app supposedly makes Web pages easier to read. What does it do to pages that are already easy to read?

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None. I quit.

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