Archive for category: Signs


How to waste $60,000 “beautifying” subway entrances


Let’s Scotch-tape a sign on top of another sign, then beat that new sign to shit


…for the TTC to make its signage during the subway diversion even worse


THRILL-CAM ride through a disused subway station


They aren’t planning on doing something so rash as to charge speakers to attend, are they?


Here I am at the Broadway stop of Vancouver’s SkyTrain, photographing an aberrant sign that uses Meta instead of the unaccountable and perplexing Plantin (also seen at Heathrow Airport, the obvious inspiration).

Just as I lifted my camera, four cops walked by, one of whom stared right at me, as seen here. I took my shot and, with nerves of steel, double-checked it on the LCD. I pocketed my camera and waited for the train.

Try this in Toronto and you get to endure a talking-to by Grandpa Moscoe.


In which I ride the Toronto subway with Ronald Shakespear talking about nothing but signage! signage! signage!


The City of Toronto has a page up on the proposed streetsigns


Notes from an argument I had with Toronto streetsign designer Jeremy Kramer

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None. I quit.

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