Archive for category: Updated

Updated posts


James Bridle (still, despite bitching about “white nationalism” and “violent religious ideologies”), but also Tim Pool [now with update: in a dream, I asked Tim Pool out on a date]


Sabo, of Unsavory Agents, actually denies that his SHE KNEW campaign against Meryl Streep and Hollywood was inspired by Barbara Kruger (now updated twice)


Easily my favourite rat bastard, Michael Malice, listed some of his favourite books, or at least the books one should read


There are other face-recognition systems, even on telephones, but Face ID on the iPhone X will be the gold standard to beat. Hence it becomes an amusing parlour game to imagine ways to defeat this still-unreleased technology [update with how stupid I feel about this entire post]


Vegan weight training? Mark Rippetoe: “I can’t deal with your eating disorder. It’s not my job to deal with your eating disorder. And it’s an eating disorder. That’s all it is”


Conservatives, trafficking as they do in formless eternal truths, cannot even comprehend the idea of communicating visually. (Except when they can.) Now with 2025 update


“If the subject of your coverage died, was ruined, was destroyed, or was wiped off the face of the earth, would your coverage have done its job?”


Antifa and its manqués are publishing advice to work out and are trying to open a gym. And, despite their implications to the contrary, this is about learning to throw the first punch


A 22-year-old made his own airbag-equipped waterproof jacket from scratch. Bronson Rabishaw, ladies and gentlemen

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