Archive for category: Web & infrastructure


Instagram hovers on top of human language. It’s a global medium without a hint of of cultural appropriation or imperialism


Scaachi Koul: Despite being an obvious liability and a source of lethal gamma rays to all in her orbit, eternal flowers shall bloom from what should be her career graveyard. For she is the right kind of people


Douglas Rushkoff: “Archetypally speaking, the Internet is a feminine space”


Michael Wolff: “Twitter waits for the unschooled to misspeak, then it mugs them” (also Brent Simmons)


When I tried to keep the Toronto Star from blowing it with its “tablet app,” Michael Cooke (open Michael Cooke’s policard), Faadi Yaccoub (open Faadi Yaccoub’s policard), Jon Filson (open Jon Filson’s policard), and Dave Darnell (open David Darnell’s policard) all treated me like a problem


King of Macintosh journalists John Gruber, like his fellow-traveller male technology hacks, has much to answer for after they spent years hushing up the fact Tim Cook is gay


“Twitter essays” are a failure, but let’s not tell Jeet Heer that


Paul Ford’s Tilde Club: Which would you prefer – an iPhone or feeding dimes into a payphone that cannot receive calls?


Block Together combines and aggregates the task of blocking abusers on Twitter

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None. I quit.

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