Archive for category: Web & infrastructure


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Dan Benjamin, too nice a guy by far, again proves he is not up to the task of interviewer


About a mil


At Etsy, as elsewhere in Silicon Valley, computer programming is identified as a desirable male-dominated job half of whose positions must simply be handed to women


A year-long hiatus from MetaFilter, where I am user 250 (1999), due to the entrenched stupidity of its intelligent and sophisticated owner and developer


Does Marissa Mayer have Asperger’s? Seemingly so


Flowery, grandiloquent Craig Mod and developer-autistic Marco Arment are being disingenuous when they claim not to have defined a new publishing style. They have – and, after the manner of Butt and FANTASTIC MAN, it will now be copied


Then try reading this mailing-list digest from TFEW (allegedly, writers and editors)


James Bridle: The smartest young man in publishing constantly describes “the network.” Because to his social class, there is only one

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None. I quit.

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