Archive for category: Web & infrastructure


Why is TTC funnelling $2.6 million – without further tenders – to a single company, Devlin? (Yes, it’s about the TTC Web site)


Nobody has managed to come up with a Web-native method of doing graphic design for news


This was the weekend those of us with high standards lost their remaining residue of patience for ideologues who hyperbolize about open systems without actually creating something people want to use


The Internets, like other young men, hold grudges. The issue is not your own desire or need to change. It is enemies’ and opponents’ desire and need to stop you from doing that


David Galbraith: Facebook is “similar to Vimeo [in that] the beauty of the application has influenced the content”


Face it, John August: The days of the elite producer and screenwriter caste’s having sole access to new scripts is over


People like Jeremy Bell need a lesson taught to them. This time, all that was involved was a toy gun. But isn’t that more than enough?


Who knows less about computers – Joe Jervis or Rex Wockner?


Doesn’t Ryerson Journalism hire from its own Family Compact of people it already knows and likes?

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