Your search results
- Indirect cost (2006.07.30)
How much is your blog losing your business each year? Try six figures
- Research advice for our dear British friends (2006.07.27)
In which I petition Ofcom for new research on fonts for captioning. Junk science has got to stop someday
- DemoCamp8 (2006.07.26)
Notes from DemoCamp8, Toronto, 2006.07.25
- Two business books (2006.07.22)
Grapevine and Raising the Bar
- Unfailed Redesigns (2006.07.19)
Previous Failed Redesigns clean up their act. Oh, and hi, Geoff and Jon!
- Mince of the penguins (2006.07.14)
Is marrying two gay penguins in absentia in any way like burning them in effigy?
- Categorical search improvement (2006.07.13)
Improvements to searching and browsing at this personal Weblog
- ‘Ckear Print’ (2006.07.07)
The CNIB (sorry, “cnib”) muffs it yet again, this time with published guidelines on making print accessible
- CBC Watch, as it were (2006.07.04)
Now I’m publishing all my documentation of CBC captioning errors and omissions