Your search results
- ‘2001’ (2006.07.03)
The final screening – for now – at the Royal Cinema, 2001
- The freakonomics of audio description (2006.07.02)
Like captioning, audio description is a field where numbers don’t tell you anything of much use
- Unfabulous Redesigns (2006.06.28)
Failed Redesigns: The Homosexualist Pride® Edition
- Failed Redesigns III (2006.06.24)
Yet further Failed Redesigns (design sites especially), with some actual honourable mentions
- De facto exoneration for Robert Manne (2006.06.22)
Richard Edelman responds to my litany of complaints about his petit fonctionnaire Robert Manne and Mesh Conference
- The wrong people’s Internets (2006.06.21)
If you’re in your own silo on the Internet and you’re trying to talk to somebody in their own silo, are you actually communicating?
- Problems facing audio description (2006.06.16)
Just what it says. And some of them are bullshit problems
- How not to attain 100% captioning (DVD version) (2006.06.02)
A proposed settlement to a lawsuit claiming that DVDs marked as captioned did not actually contain captioned bonus materials is a bad deal and should be opposed. Here’s why
- B-links, May 27 (2006.05.27)
B-links, May 27