Your search results
- Near-paragraphs in song lyrics (2005.10.24)
How long can song lyrics go and still make literary sense?
- Another strikeout on the way (2005.10.16)
Prediction: ‘Web 2.0’ to leave Joe Clark by the wayside
- Arial in ladder truck (2005.10.16)
A gross vehicle weight rating of 69,500 pounds? (In Arial?)
- The Blind Person’s Stockholm Syndrome (2005.10.13)
Since when is a file format a “new and inaccessible system”?
- Aboriginal typography today (2005.10.13)
Arial, Novarese (!), and making fun of themselves with the name “Na Me Res”
- Negligée update (2005.10.11)
What was said at the NLGJA conference about Weblogs. And how many validation errors does have today?
- C. Kidd does M. Glaser (2005.10.10)
Chip Kidd interviews Milton Glaser. What is the Road to Hell?
- Troll (2005.10.09)
Some advice from the only gay in the village about just how shit out of luck you are once you hit 40
- Google severity index: +2 (2005.10.04)
Google now employs two of the three severest standardistas roaming the earth