Your search results
- Bad news for hearing captioning viewers? (2005.10.03)
Is it harder to listen and read simultaneously?
- Free advice to Chapters (2005.09.26)
Words of advice for anybody who wants to run Chapters Indigo’s Web site
- Why is Don Knuth special? (2005.09.20)
I dunno. Because he designed a shitty font and has everybody address him as “Professor Knuth”?
- How not to test an accessible audiobook service (2005.09.20)
A test of downloadable audiobooks for the blind used an inaccessible Web site, inaccessible and unusable players, and DRM out the arse
- Fisking Patric(k) King (2005.09.17)
Response to Patric(k) King’s article in Print about Web standards and visual design
- Pro-Rocco (2005.09.13)
In defense of Rocco Forgione’s I Probably Hate You
- Castes (2005.09.10)
Wired-style digital echelons
- I had a font in Africa (2005.08.11)
Ahistorical typography (using Arial, no less) in ‘Stander’
- Use it or lose it (2005.08.09)
List of DVDs with audio description: Deleted by Wikipedia!