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Well, the actual issue is who would play Tom of Finland’s idealized male form. And that would be Jon Bernthal, not that it will happen


(2016.05.20; posted 2017.06.27)


Fuck-Yeah Tumblères really are the happiest blogs on the Web, verily unto Fuck Yeah, Martin Freeman


No one is going to write a Kathy Acker–manquée biography of Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite


(2016.03.03; posted 2017.06.27)


(2016.03.02; posted 2017.06.27)


The Art of Manliness’ Brett McKay: “During a single weekend I shot pistols, did land navigation, butchered a rabbit and a chicken, and was taught how to fight by Tim Kennedy. It was awesome.” I think not


What happens when you ask what used to be Toronto’s gay community centre a few questions? You get labelled transphobic


If you want to keep track on what right-wing assholes are doing, you ignore podcasts at your peril. Then again, progressive journalists find the whole thing too triggering

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