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In a lesson from In Treatment, I have to remind myself from time to time, and have others do the same, that there is a submerged, squelched tiny remnant part of me that wants to live


Two Gaysians won a booby prize at a “podcast accelerator” competition. Like the competition itself, the co-winner, Gaydio, is something we do not need


Benderson, Sacks, White


Toronto Life tells at most half the story of Ms Alex Abramovich and Mr. Daryl Banks, aggressive, threatening transgendered persons


I do wish Steve MacIsaac would stop saying “LGBT”


When I tried to keep the Toronto Star from blowing it with its “tablet app,” Michael Cooke (open Michael Cooke’s policard), Faadi Yaccoub (open Faadi Yaccoub’s policard), Jon Filson (open Jon Filson’s policard), and Dave Darnell (open David Darnell’s policard) all treated me like a problem


That would be Mr. SCOTT BOMS, who left Toronto for Facebook. He got out just in time


Two observations by Mike Daisey about being the object of gleeful public pillorying


Useless knowledge en route to Best of Enemies

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None. I quit.

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