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So. Bobsleigh over the past year, including what happened to the Bad News Koalas of bobsledding, Australia


Toronto police and fire departments have no plan to deal with deaf people. At all


Denis McGrath is lecturing somebody. But whom? And does that person exist?


They’re laying it on a bit thick presenting Alexander Skarsgård as some kind of manly idol in Straw Dogs


The atrocious signage at my Service Ontario location is one thing. The fact that it is functionally impossible to get there if you’re blind is another – and it is one of only two locations in Toronto where blind people can apply for the only ID card they can use


Keph Senett takes the women-earn-64%-what-men-do statistic and misapplies it to the “LGBT” community


Xtra threatens to launch a new daily-news site. What odds do you give they’ll do everything wrong?


Liveblog of conference call with press after Chris Spring crashed his bobsleigh in Germany


Rick Poynor disingenuously states that graphic-design history picks winners and losers. He’s one of the pickers

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