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Here is what a 330-page handwritten Thirtysomething episode guide looks like


Tabatha Southey has a learning disability, but claimed the Mac allowed her to write. Now: How, exactly?


Of course Siri will work in Canada. Spoken Canadian English is American English. Now, French becomes another issue


Melissa Lafsky: “The part [Alexander] Skarsgård plays here is Paragon Alpha, the man who can win on all fronts and serves as a boot in the ass to the socially softened hero. He evokes fear and respect in men while simultaneously compelling women to bang him”


Roger Black lists news categories in the order in which 20th-century media saw them


Stieg Larsson’s strict moral code rings true to me despite surface dissimilarities


I am quite sure the only thing that will put and end to Jason Scott’s relentless attacks against me is his death


Surely homosexualist Rick Mercer will shave off rugger Adam Kleeberger’s beard solely “for charity”


Issue 80 of Eye is riven with structural defects and contradictions

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