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It’s in the most overrated book of the year, The Imperfectionists


What the Commentariat Publishing Lifecycle is, means, and does


Richard Florida claims gays are “no more… economically productive… than any other group on average,” which is of course false. (Updated)


New York outdoes itself in fucked-up “print-friendly” pages


How exactly would we use today’s TTC fares with an electronic farecard? (With undue complication, it seems)


If Nicole Sullivan thinks more women should work in technology, my question is: Why? (Minor updates)


At the Olympic and Paralympic presser for London 2012, I was the only writer interested in the Paralympics. Spoiler alert: Brian and Robin McKeever are their secret weapon


What I told John Stackhouse of the Globe and Mail. In short: Why did you ever believe Mathew Ingram on the topic of comments? (Now with update after off-topic caterwauling from Carl Wilson)


A solicited proposal for a column on E-book production in Quill & Quire. Now, what do you think happened to it?

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None. I quit.

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