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My new article on the use of ePub (hence XHTML) in electronic books is now out at A List Apart


Another year, another season of bobsleigh. And who got discovered by the bears?


Karen Walton keeps bombarding me with invitations to Ink Canada events, yet her girlfriends accuse me of ogling them. Why does this not compute?


The Internets, like other young men, hold grudges. The issue is not your own desire or need to change. It is enemies’ and opponents’ desire and need to stop you from doing that


When, if ever, is Apple going to fix the word prediction in the iPhone keyboard? (Too many errors fir my liking)


Attention, Republic of Doyle haters: You’re full of shit


I try to improve. Who, it seems, does not? Denis McGrath


The TTC union wants to hold town-hall meetings with riders. Fine – but meet with citizen journalists first. (I’ll arrange it)


What happens when one tries every trick in the book to actually sign an agent’s contract

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None. I quit.

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