Your search results
- How now, brown Zune? (2007.01.02)
So when can we expect Chris Hofstader to launch an excoriation of the Zune, given that it is as inaccessible as the iPod he has already excoriated?
- Not wanted on the voyage (2006.12.15)
Chip Kidd dismisses the importance of invert graphic designers
- Cipe Pineles (2006.12.10)
Cipe Pineles: A Life of Design by Martha Scottford
- Acronyms in Paradise (2006.12.09)
Excerpts from Bobos in Paradise by David Brooks
- Hip Web Shop in a Can (2006.12.06)
How to build credibility from scratch
- CBC captioning atrocity update (2006.12.05)
What is CBC doing wrong in captioning this week? All the same things they’ve been doing wrong for the last four years
- Flickr people vs. Photos people (2006.12.04)
Flickr people are not Yahoo Photos people and don’t want to be
- CBC online video: Shall we do this properly? (2006.12.04)
Some advice for CBC about captioning and description of downloadable video
- Re Rabinovitch (2006.11.29)
Responding to an interview with CBC president Robert Rabinovitch (after converting it to HTML so it could actually be read)