- All DataLounge wants for Christmas is the ritual execution of that cubefrau cradling a mug (2019.12.24)
Further bons mots from DataLounge, including what could be the best-ever posting about body image and manorexia
- Your Funny Uncle’s lacquered snuffbox of further wisdom from DataLounge (2019.08.27)
Further pearls of wisdom from DataLounge
- Foster Brother of Son of Continued Greatest Hits of DataLounge (2019.02.01)
Yet more bons mots
- “Make any object non-binary” (2018.11.13)
“Inspired by the poster who suggested calling margaritas ‘Margaritx’ ”
- DataLounge comment of the week (2018.09.23)
What thread it’s from doesn’t actually matter
- Apparent first use of “eldergay” (2018.09.03)
In the Times last June
- Sobering DataLounge reminiscences (2018.08.06)
Seemingly large numbers of eldergays grew up poor and deprived
- Son of Continued Greatest Hits of DataLounge (2018.07.23)
Desecrating the rainbow flag; “helping our cause where it’s needed the most”
- Continued Greatest Hits of DataLounge (2018.06.08)
“[I]f the ACT UP/AIDS activism of the 1980s/early ’90s hadn’t been so meticulously documented, we would now be hearing how it was trans people who were solely responsible for that as well”