Archive for September 2004


B-links, September ¬11


Text on Things: Store

Ford pickup truck’s license plate reads DAGUERRE

You’ve really got to love Friz Quadrata and Avant Garde Gothic to mo(u)ld them into polypropylene. It’ll still be around when the sun goes nova.

Green plastic implement shows a triangular logo, ‘AMES’ in Friz Quadrata, and ‘ReelEasy’ in Avant Garde Gothic Bold and Bold Oblique

Further evidence of the subway’s commitment to accessibility:

Laser-printed sign tacked onto elevator window reads ‘Elevator not in use.’ Hand-scrawled graffiti reads ‘You get the shaft’

What can you safely do with this thing?

Close-up of four warning labels in English and French (ten in enlarged photo)

Tracking the silver overlays on the pages of ‘House’ by House Industries


Time to put this one out to pasture, or at least hook it up with some Toys “Я” Us carts in a retirement home.

Side of dirty blue coupe shows broken-up Dart Swinger insignia
Sign in window reads ‘285 Queen St. E.’; on the glass, graffiti reads ‘Crack is not where it’s at’

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None. I quit.

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