Archive for the year 2004


The place to buy your replacement blender jugs. Do, however, reduce your exposure to the neighbourhood as you would have Chernobyl.

Sign attached directly to brick wall reads ‘Butler’s’ in script
Illuminated sign projecting from wall reads ‘Butler’s’ in script plus ‘REPAIR SERVICE Parts Radio/TV Appliances ALL MAKES’

Further excerpts from ‘Gay Fiction Speaks’


Preferably with your eyes closed. Have you ever seen so many mistakes in such big type?

Huge letters on café’s concrete storefront read ‘ZOë's’

“Is Chris the Fireman really a fireman?”


“Levitating on motorcycles strictly prohibited.”

Sign shows bar dexter through figure of a man hovering over a motorcycle

Magical when well-chosen.

Sign reads Brant House in blue, with twin mirror-image script Bs intertwined in blue on a chocolate-brown background
Hand-lettered sign in white and yellow upper case and script type reads ‘PARKING ONLY FOR GENCO Customers’ and ‘OTHERS WILL BE TAGGED’

But are they transgenderist I-beams?

Black steel construction girders cast shadows on colourful mural of multicoloured human forms gaily holding hands

B-links, December 20

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None. I quit.

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