Archive for the year 2008


Get to Work: A Manifesto for Women of the World by Linda R. Hirshman

View through balcony overhang shows brick wall, staggered concrete balconies, and diamond-like concrete window surrounds of other buildings

I’m not schlepping all the way across town in the rain to sit in a room full of Geistards™ who might think of me as the enemy


As seen on the Tea Makers: “Any media organization that doesn’t act as though it is about to be replaced by the Internet will be”


Bill Hill’s posting on Web fonts is offputting to the point of repugnance


These guys have stiffies or not? Or am I not supposed to ask that?

Late-dusk sunshine illuminates an orange New Canadians Lumber Home Building Centre sign, most of it typeset in Lubalin Graph

Stuff White People Like Despite the Carbon Cost: “Apple products”


I eventually give up reviewing The Prodigal Tongue by Mark Abley

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None. I quit.

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