You are wrong about Brüno. Is it not cultural terrorism at its finest? I think so, and so did everybody else in the theatre at Scarborough Town Centre (well more than 90% Chinese, Black, or Indic). A mere four people walked out during the talking-cock scene.
But: I saw it with audio description and you didn’t. How do you describe Brüno?
He shows his pubic hair!
He’s wearing a pink bodysuit with a plush penis and testicles.
It pumps a dildo in and out of Brüno’s backside.
Its clear nozzle sucks in Brüno’s jiggling testicles.
Dozens of colourful garments stick to the suit.
At Sweet Cheeks Anal Bleaching, Brüno speaks with a female stylist.
A nude man is covered in sushi!
Brüno tilts his head, checking out Lutz’s backside. [Surely Lutz is a poor man’s Stellan Starsgård?]
Brüno dances in tiny red briefs. Lloyd averts his eyes.
Onscreen, Brüno wears a skin-tight leopard-skin shirt and matching briefs.
A straight line of pubic hair runs from his navel to his penis. [There’s a suspected use of the word “dick” in the next sentence, but people were howling so loudly and the scratchy, piece-of-shit headset audio was so quiet I missed it. So let’s just start a rumour!]
He lets his pants fall, revealing purple spandex briefs.
Brüno pretends to hold Milli’s penis […] then mimes fondling Milli’s penis.
He simulates oral sex, bobbing up and down vigorously.
Brüno nods his head up and down as he wiggles Milli’s invisible member.
On a streetcorner, he wears a fashionably modified Orthodox outfit.
He claps and waves his hands effeminately. The predominantly African-American audience watches him.
Brüno sits down with his adopted baby, who wears a mini-shirt labelled GAYBY.
In another Jacuzzi, one man is naked and upside down with his crotch in another man’s face.
He wears a toilet-brush mouth gag. They’re tied up in leather bondage gear.
Gerbils scamper in a drawer.
A TV remote protrudes from Brüno’s butt.
Now at a God Hates Fags anti-gay group rally. [We read onscreen titles.]
Now in Alabama, Brüno faces Pastor Jody Trautwein, gay converter.
Brüno flails a huge black dildo.
Brüno wears a strap-on dildo. Danny boots it. Now Brüno attacks with all three dildos.
Brüno minces effeminately as others jog past.
Brüno gives a Nazi salute.
Brüno offers his limp hand to three hunters, and one shakes it.
“Get in your fucking tent and leave me alone!” [We read subtitles, even same-language subtitles – quite redundantly in a few cases here.] “Get the fuck out of here!”
Now Brüno again sits reverse-cowgirl on his lap, smiling dreamily.
He shifts uncomfortably as two men and a woman give another woman oral sex. A box covers her.
Now the balding man humps a woman from behind. Jack smiles uncomfortably. A black box covers his genitals.
He stares at her melon-sized breasts. [Kid behind me: “It’s a guy! He’s a guy!”]
Ge strips them off, revealing smaller briefs.
Brüno lifts it [the veil] over his head, revealing his masculine features.
Who is our narratrix? A quite-often-mortified-sounding Gaille Heidemann, last heard many years ago on Stuck on You.