Unlike dyspeptic, soi-disant “support[er] of LGBTQ rights” Glenn Fleishman (q.v.), heterosexualist male technology writer/editor Jason Snell has grown and learned from his mistakes. When asked if he still stood by his claim from 2011 that everything I write is “infuriating and wrong,” Snell replied:

Was I wrong in feeling that Cook’s position as a gay man was “private” until he chose to make it public? Maybe so.

I see your point – which I probably didn’t see clearly in 2011 – that privatizing sexual orientation can be seen as feeding right back into the closet.

Did we all “aid and abet the closet without even knowing it,” as you wrote back then? God, I sure hope not, but maybe we did. If we did, I’d argue that it came from a position of empathy for Tim Cook. I leave you to judge if that makes that reaction forgivable.

In my anger over what I perceived as an attack on my writer and a Gawker invasion of Tim Cook’s privacy, I decided to attack you in public. I apologize for that. Your perspective deserved more credit than I was willing to give it.

Full props to Snell.

Next: Arment and the Macalope, and, as usual on a kingly perch all his own, Gruber.

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None. I quit.

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