Author archive


I don’t mind the fact that my old friends are shitlibs, but they would mind the fact that I am not


A Twitter replacement for the LinkedIn could “become the natural home of refusé(e)s, the blacklisted, the cancelled”


Nearly two decades into its existence, Twitter does not and did not need an accessibility “team,” which was shitcanned by Elon Musk basically before he sat down for coffee. And rightly so


After 35 years (and true of basically everything in which I take an interest), how I tire of repeating myself. Another rich software startup is about to blow it vis-à-vis accessibility. This time it’s Arc (some kind of browser), and if they do anything about accessibility it will involve not hiring me


Scott Thompson as Buddy Cole – in 2023. As I point out every five minutes, once our generation and the generation right behind ours finally dies, gay will be over


Ben Sandofsky of Halide: Homophobe and blackmailer


Now several years combined


Just how many contemporary novels even deign to admit that email, TV, and bathrooms exist?


An amazingly original piece of work devised a theory of which jobs gay men and lesbians would choose. Running through a set of statistical surveys, what jobs did the authors identify as typical of gay men and lesbians? You’ll never guess!

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None. I quit.

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