Author archive


Notes from the Vegan Lifter Project (e.g., nobody was gay)


These kids are brilliant, posting the same picture every single day


Circa 2010, iTunes could recognize these “non-Apple” MP3 players


911s de l’instant


As with DataLounge, RealJock.com is a place where gays can actually be honest


According to lore, Stevie Nicks showed up to a Night of a Thousand Stevies, entered the contest, then lost.

Apparently not


“Inspired by the poster who suggested calling margaritas ‘Margaritx’ ”


Art. Lebedev shows what subway typography can look like


W. Whitman (“a baffled animal”) “never married his unlettered boy, but he accepted virtue from an even more unlettered nature and gave it speech”

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None. I quit.

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