Author archive
- Baffling phenomenon of communicating solely via YouTubé (2018.05.09)
Prince of Queens and the Gaytriarchy “podcast,” which isn’t that
- “Today I Learned Buildings Can Get Sodomized” (2018.05.09)
16 years later, an oblique reference to “sodomizing and parasitizing amyloid plaques”
- Understandable privacy statement (2018.05.09)
Fetish site Recon’s privacy statement runs long but is easy to understand
- Microsoft fixes something you can’t even explain to Windoids in the first place (2018.05.09)
You can’t even explain to a Windows user what a text file is, let alone what line endings are. 33 years later, Microsoft fixed Notepad to display line endings correctly
- Internet of Shit et al. (2018.05.07)
Internet of Shit has a Web site, but see also Screenshots of Despair, Glitchr, et al.
- Charlie don’t surf/antifa don’t joke (2018.05.06)
Charlie don’t surf and antifa ain’t funny (e.g. “So before you decide to drown a perfectly good bowl of vanilla ice cream in hot fudge, you might want to spare a thought for those rainbow sprinkles”)
- Design conferences will never learn (2018.05.04)
No design conference anywhere would feature a speaker documenting his or her work on a conservative’s campaign, yet here we have another Hillary Clinton designer flogging her failed campaign
- Eldergay Suicides updated (2018.05.04)
Some additions to the list of eldergay suicides
- 2,104 sentences that begin with numbers (2018.05.01)
For the love of God, yes, you can begin a sentence with a number