Author archive


Prince of Queens and the Gaytriarchy “podcast,” which isn’t that


16 years later, an oblique reference to “sodomizing and parasitizing amyloid plaques”


Fetish site Recon’s privacy statement runs long but is easy to understand


You can’t even explain to a Windows user what a text file is, let alone what line endings are. 33 years later, Microsoft fixed Notepad to display line endings correctly


Internet of Shit has a Web site, but see also Screenshots of Despair, Glitchr, et al.


Charlie don’t surf and antifa ain’t funny (e.g. “So before you decide to drown a perfectly good bowl of vanilla ice cream in hot fudge, you might want to spare a thought for those rainbow sprinkles”)


No design conference anywhere would feature a speaker documenting his or her work on a conservative’s campaign, yet here we have another Hillary Clinton designer flogging her failed campaign


Some additions to the list of eldergay suicides


For the love of God, yes, you can begin a sentence with a number

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None. I quit.

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