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I can talk to a man, one who commemorated the other men in his life on his very body, be taken seriously, and walk away nourished by the feeling that men like him and me matter


(2016.06.09; posted 2017.06.27)


Julia Fleischaker and Jessa Crispin are and were needlessly nasty to men (and one man in particular)


You can now read all eight issues of J.D.s in one go


Excerpt from John D’Agata’s The Making of the American Essay


Well, the actual issue is who would play Tom of Finland’s idealized male form. And that would be Jon Bernthal, not that it will happen


(2016.05.20; posted 2017.06.27)


Snowpiercer is a totalizing visual obsession with returning one’s gaze to the symmetrical features of, the gleaming blue eyes of, every bristle of hair on Chris Evans, a timeless Hollywood masculine archetype


Adam Rankin’s Peachman photography series: “I am built for football, but I’ve never played it”

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