Author archive


soc.motss was not ever an “LGBTQ Internet space,” David Auerbach


Esteemed colleague Michael Erard knew perfectly well, I am sure, that it was always possible to use the relay service to fact-check an article with a deaf source


Regretters (Ångrarna), the Swedish documentary about what we would now call detransitioning, is available in samizdat form.


I see an eternal truth wordlessly expressed in Toast and The Long Day Closes


Men on subways: Objects of attraction or space-hogging transmisogynists?


It should not be surprising that a gay basketball player was a basketball player and is still interested in basketball. With John Amaechi, oddly, it was


I have a degree in linguistics and am embarking on an open-ended project to antedate (find the earliest uses of) gay and lesbian terminology


Because Glaswegians are the indigenous population of Glasgow and their identity has been erased


Without warning, typographers have suddenly learned deception and bullshit

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None. I quit.

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