Author archive


What is “the Coach House way of doing things”? (I expect artisanal publishing to produce beautiful objects you will love to read)


You can now borrow Chasing the Perfect from the library, thanks to me


Extremely supergay Moncole podcast host takes supergay stab at pronouncing “Dundas,” fails


Compare and contrast: David Bowie, “The Next Day”; R.E.M., Out of Time


How much does it cost to wheel in Tyler Brûlé to lecture you on the deficiencies of a broken-down capital city like Ottawa?


The Pet Shop Boys have virtualized the backup singer


Handsome, open, generous, beautifully proportioned, with tattoos that, like totem poles, tell a family story


A year-long hiatus from MetaFilter, where I am user 250 (1999), due to the entrenched stupidity of its intelligent and sophisticated owner and developer


My year in reading, 2012

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None. I quit.

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