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Consensus gay culture involves armies of aggressive, violent, habitually lying non-Whites habitually lying about Whites, who built the gay and lesbian community and foolishly didn’t just stop there. What we have now is already the worst instantiation of consensus gay culture that ever existed and it’s gonna get unimaginably worse


I measured actual point sizes of type on an iPhone X


C. Paglia: “The moist apple fritter!”


Musclegays (as on Instagram) poison the well with their narcissism and just are not a joy to look at


Yet more bons mots


“Futuristic” clothing, like heroin, is so passé


The late Carol Channing held that “the safest place in the world to be is centre stage.” It is


Eldergay at Woody’s: “Now: Iggy Pop!” Who’s the eldergay now?


User-interface conventions that individuals invented from scratch that went on to become actual norms.

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