Archive for category: Captioning
- The latest CBC howlers (2006.10.06)
Exactly what kind of bullshit did CBC try to pass off to the Canadian broadcasting regulator?
- If you don’t want to take my word for it (2006.09.29)
Myths about Canadian English, and why your B.A. in English lit does not set you up to do captioning
- Two tracks o’ text (2006.09.13)
When to caption a subtitled movie (on CBC, always)
- A ‘C’ student from the word “go” (2006.09.03)
Taking CBC captioning down a notch (how many notches has it got left?), this time with a Robbie Coltrane vehicle
- Angry nitpicking (2006.08.31)
In lieu of “sending angry nitpicking letters to the CBC,” I thought I’d use picture postcards
- All your Mechagodzilla are belong to us (2006.08.27)
‘Analyse’! ‘Metre’!
- Organizing our marvellous neighbours (2006.08.22)
Why does the CBC use British English to write its captioning?
- ’Tis an error i’faith (2006.08.21)
What is with CBC captioners’ fondness for ‘single quotes’?
- CBC Blogging Manifesto (2006.08.13)
CBC wouldn’t write a blogging policy, so its bloggers had to do it themselves