Archive for category: Asides
- Nicolás Feredjian (2011.07.10)
My curious Flickr follower, with an interest in the Buenos Aires Subte (tunnelling, signage)
- Unichar (2011.07.10)
Rate Unicode characters in a Hot or Not?–style interface.
- ‘I don’t really care what other viewers think’ (2011.07.10)
Tyler Brûlé: “I don’t really care what other viewers think. I just want to hear what the correspondent on the ground has to say”
- Desktop ballpaper (2011.07.08)
Butt justifies its existence
- ‘I’m not attempting to create an inclusive vision of the queer community in this exhibition’ (2011.07.05)
‘I’m not attempting to create an inclusive vision of the queer community in this exhibition. I find that approach so patronizing’
- ‘I don’t spend too much time looking at men’ (2011.07.05)
Not even noticing women is somewhat different from Isaiah Mustafa’s not really looking at men. Isn’t it?
- Jules Vernacular (2011.06.30)
Amateur French typographic signage
- emailcharter (sic) (2011.06.30)
Top-posting apologists launch already-failed “E-mail charter”
- ‘We’re not talking about models’ feelings here’ (2011.06.30)
Alexander McQueen: “We’re not talking about models’ feelings here. We’re talking about mine”