Archive for category: Best

Posts I’m particularly proud of


Someday you’re gonna die. Imagine having spent your life reading literature and novels


Very advanced, very tuned-in people learn about, and learn how to use, new Apple features by watching them being demonstrated onstage during Apple keynote events. Then there’s everybody else


500 years from now, the Chinese will be able to say with a straight face that Djibouti was always Chinese. Four centuries before that, queer and trans* will have entirely rewritten (this means lied about) gay and lesbian history


Edgar Murillo is a deaf gay artiste from Spain with colour sense that goes beyond innate to primal


Eric Kandel brilliantly explains how we see first, then perceive texture second. This explains why I like a lot of things I like, but nobody’s really taking me up on that knowledge, are they, now


Snowpiercer is a totalizing visual obsession with returning one’s gaze to the symmetrical features of, the gleaming blue eyes of, every bristle of hair on Chris Evans, a timeless Hollywood masculine archetype


I have been told I deserve “a full life that isn’t just about fighting for things.” I don’t have anything resembling that


Toronto’s bien-pensant media intelligentsia want Xtra’s “pink” newspaper boxes back. What they don’t want is the task of investigating Xtra. Good thing I’m here


Eldergays, unlike athletes, cannot live a life of the body

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None. I quit.

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