Archive for category: Best

Posts I’m particularly proud of


I did the obvious thing. I downloaded one or more instruction manuals from essentially every dishwasher manufacturer in existence, extracted just the pages or parts thereof that illustrate how to load the dishwasher, and assembled them on Flickr


I see an eternal truth wordlessly expressed in Toast and The Long Day Closes


Dancers vs. a life of the mind. A dancer thinks with his body


Psychology researcher Phillip Hammack’s five generations of gay men is a strong contribution to the literature. But he is blind to what the last generation, which should be called the Queer Generation, really believes. That generation will finally kill off gay men


Family and society rejection; AIDS; queers


Brand Pup, his stunning handcrafted hoods, and forgetting oneself


Strange new ad campaign, with no stated sponsor, shows implausible Arabic/Indic/Farsi pairings of guys and no Caucasians whatsoever


As shown in What I Love about Being Queer, queer kills gay dead


I fact-checked two reports on women in film and television, paying a lot of attention to the claim there were no wymmyn cinematographers working in Canadian TV in a certain year

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None. I quit.

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