Archive for category: Fagonomics

Lesbian and gay economics


Michael Mason writes in to offer a socioeconomic history of the pink pound


Urvashi Vaid has the gall to lecture “LGBT” organizations about “bread-and-butter economic-justice and social-welfare issues” after earning $485,944 for half a year’s work at the Arcus Foundation


Urvashi Vaid gets almost all her facts wrong when discussing economic disadvantages that women and “LGBT” people face. Let’s correct her!


The Times’s Tanzina Vega is the latest to perpetuate a disgraceful tradition of taking what marketers say about the “lucrative” gay community at face value


Keph Senett takes the women-earn-64%-what-men-do statistic and misapplies it to the “LGBT” community


Denise Balkissoon on lesbian moms: “Considering… the fact that women on average earn lower salaries.” I ask: Lower than whom?


Zeke, a rich widowed homosexualist featured in the Globe, pends like a drunken, widowed, homosexualist sailor


Another month, another round of refutations of factually unfounded claims that gays are rich


Will Donovan Steyl and Karen Paperno please stick to the facts?

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None. I quit.

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