Archive for category: This Week in Fagonomics
Occasional recaps of falsehoods about gay income, as seen in the news
- Best and worst fagonomics articles (2021) (2021.09.07)
An amazingly original piece of work devised a theory of which jobs gay men and lesbians would choose. Running through a set of statistical surveys, what jobs did the authors identify as typical of gay men and lesbians? You’ll never guess!
- A sudden rash of lesbian lying about gay men’s “disposable income” (2014.08.27)
Julie Bindel and Rachel Swan should know better than to publish falsehoods about gay men’s incomes
- Lying about gay money, with the best of intentions (‘New York Times’ edition) (2012.01.09)
The Times’s Tanzina Vega is the latest to perpetuate a disgraceful tradition of taking what marketers say about the “lucrative” gay community at face value
- This Week in Fagonomics (IV) (2011.07.20)
Another month, another round of refutations of factually unfounded claims that gays are rich
- This Week in Fagonomics (III) (2011.06.15)
Will Donovan Steyl and Karen Paperno please stick to the facts?
- This Week in Fagonomics (II) (2011.05.15)
A recap of stories lazily reiterating the claim that gays are rich, which we aren’t. (Superspecial “Sithifrican” edition!)
- This Week in Fagonomics (I) (2011.03.02)
A recap of stories lazily reiterating the claim that gays are rich, which we aren’t.