Archive for category: This Week in Fagonomics

Occasional recaps of falsehoods about gay income, as seen in the news


An amazingly original piece of work devised a theory of which jobs gay men and lesbians would choose. Running through a set of statistical surveys, what jobs did the authors identify as typical of gay men and lesbians? You’ll never guess!


Julie Bindel and Rachel Swan should know better than to publish falsehoods about gay men’s incomes


The Times’s Tanzina Vega is the latest to perpetuate a disgraceful tradition of taking what marketers say about the “lucrative” gay community at face value


Another month, another round of refutations of factually unfounded claims that gays are rich


Will Donovan Steyl and Karen Paperno please stick to the facts?


A recap of stories lazily reiterating the claim that gays are rich, which we aren’t. (Superspecial “Sithifrican” edition!)


A recap of stories lazily reiterating the claim that gays are rich, which we aren’t.

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None. I quit.

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