Archive for category: Follow-ups

Follow-ups from previouse posts


Michael Surtees and his claimed “knowledge” of “webz and fontz.” (Also! His paranoia.)


Because Joe·My·God has them


Steven Holcomb had no trouble driving a bobsleigh while half-blind. So what’s everybody else’s problem?


Mike Rowe name-drops Ayn Rand out of nowhere


Missing from the list? Web standards


Why didn’t the alien language work on District 9? Because we cannot conceive of what we cannot conceive


Mike Rundle seems to think I’ve got something against him. Well, I didn’t used to


Mathew Ingram, harassing his colleagues (while co-running a Web conference)


By his own admission, I estimate the figure is $200,000 to $300,000 a year

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None. I quit.

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