Archive for category: Follow-ups
Follow-ups from previouse posts
- Haz knowledge of one, not the other (2009.11.19)
Michael Surtees and his claimed “knowledge” of “webz and fontz.” (Also! His paranoia.)
- Another argument against comments (2009.11.16)
Because Joe·My·God has them
- Half-blind musclebear hauls in medals (2009.11.14)
Steven Holcomb had no trouble driving a bobsleigh while half-blind. So what’s everybody else’s problem?
- Mike Rowe, Randroid (2009.10.09)
Mike Rowe name-drops Ayn Rand out of nowhere
- Skills you do not need in order to work for Tumblr (2009.09.23)
Missing from the list? Web standards
- Xenolinguistics of ‘District 9’ (2009.08.25)
Why didn’t the alien language work on District 9? Because we cannot conceive of what we cannot conceive
- Mike Rundle, cyberbully (2009.08.14)
Mike Rundle seems to think I’ve got something against him. Well, I didn’t used to
- Mathew Ingram’s glass house (2009.07.29)
Mathew Ingram, harassing his colleagues (while co-running a Web conference)
- How much money does Cory Doctorow make? (2009.07.29)
By his own admission, I estimate the figure is $200,000 to $300,000 a year