Archive for category: Follow-ups
Follow-ups from previouse posts
- Republic of haters of ‘Doyle’ (2010.02.19)
Attention, Republic of Doyle haters: You’re full of shit
- Confidential to Karen Walton (2010.02.18)
Do you and your girlfriends seriously think this correspondent was “leering” at you at the last boozeup?
- The Michael Surtees Coding Horror Marathon continues (2010.01.19)
Another ill-coded Web site from the loveliest Web designer with the worst coding chops, Michael Surtees
- Was Tara Ariano ever Canadian? (2010.01.12)
Alleged Canadian Tara Ariano: “Your money is stupid”
- Update for Liz Spiers (2009.12.29)
Elizabeth Spiers makes another mistake
- ‘Command X’ (2009.12.29)
Michael Bierut again wows ’em hosting the “Command X” game show. Also! Closeted gay designers and porn. Yes
- Screenwriting disintermediated (2009.12.11)
Face it, John August: The days of the elite producer and screenwriter caste’s having sole access to new scripts is over
- Correcting the lower orders (2009.12.08)
Correcting half a dozen Tumblr users on what they got wrong with publisher accountability
- The blind leading the stupid, you might say (2009.12.03)
Who knows less about computers – Joe Jervis or Rex Wockner?