Archive for category: The death of graphic-design criticism

The long, slow, deserved death of “traditional” graphic-design criticism. Its practitioners will be the last to know


Michael Bierut again wows ’em hosting the “Command X” game show. Also! Closeted gay designers and porn. Yes


Only Eye would publish a cultural interpretation of modern typography in which the only font identified by name isn’t even used in any of the samples


When you name your book Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the Field, isn’t that conceding defeat right there? (Is “the field” really where you’re gonna find “theory”?)


I give up


Is there a design site with worse typography?


What’s wrong with the new Design Observer? Let’s start a list with the fact its own readers dislike it


All Bantjes all the time!


It’s Design Observer’s 2,149th day without a print stylesheet!


Who’s the latest victim of Eye’s critical condescension? Hint: Think Cherry Blossom

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None. I quit.

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