Archive for category: Manliness


Hamutal Dotan and Emma Woolley haven’t met a “masculine” man in their lives, I take it. So why are they lecturing us about “our notions of masculinity”?


Today is the first anniversary of Andrew Wilfahrt’s death


They’re laying it on a bit thick presenting Alexander Skarsgård as some kind of manly idol in Straw Dogs


“Why Your Teenager Can’t Use a Hammer” and why muscular gays move like gays with muscles


If you want big strong guys in the NHL to reach out for help, it matters how big the guys offering the help really are


Unidentified solder, Infidel


The late Chris Nutile might have been that rare thing, a masculine gay role model for his nephew


The late Andrew Wilfahrt’s father read my previous post and provided a statement about Andrew and his need for male camaraderie, among other issues


Decadent gay bloggers cannot be bothered championing the case of Bradley Manning. Meanwhile, what the late Andrew Wilfahrt stood for simply unnerves them

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