Archive for category: Manliness


Tom the Carpenter. For real


Was it more rewarding for Tim Palen to shoot manly, homoerotic actors like Mr. TOM HARDY? Not entirely, he says


Never Let Me Go presents a dystopia bereft of male characteristics. I suspect this is our actual future


I believe the claimed spiritual kinship with Mr. JOSH LEVY is real


What’s the lesson out soccer player Anton Hysén has to teach us? That there’s no cultural place for the masculine gay male


Not a eulogy for Manthropology, a CBC podcast so marginal it doesn’t even have a homepage


Sacrificing themselves, according to one critic


Who are the subjects of the feature documentary The Butch Factor, about gay men and masculinity? (How many of them have gay accents?)


What else distinguishes stars from actors? It isn’t just charisma; it’s something ineffable and unchangeable but quite detectable. Straight-guy charisma is nothing like gay-guy charisma. (Ask a gay guy who pines and yearns for straight guys)

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