Archive for category: Journalism


Denise Balkissoon, a local vizmin girl hack who trades on those features, solicited “sex and relationship pitches” for the Globe. So here goes! (Updated 2½ years later)


I gave testimony to the Ontario legislature about a bill that would define motherhood out of existence. Then a fat social-justice-warrior manquéee at a right-wing newspaper misrepresented me on Twitter


If we had hacks with balls and activists who took action, Southern Ontario’s youngest Nazi, Evalion, could be investigated


Scaachi Koul: Despite being an obvious liability and a source of lethal gamma rays to all in her orbit, eternal flowers shall bloom from what should be her career graveyard. For she is the right kind of people


If you want to keep track on what right-wing assholes are doing, you ignore podcasts at your peril. Then again, progressive journalists find the whole thing too triggering


White nationalist Richard Spencer gave us the most white supremacist sentence of the 21st century, und so weiter


What out lesbian hack Keph Senett calls “partnerships” are the unethical practice of taking sources’ money to write glowingly about them. And that’s OK with the Story Board


Toronto’s bien-pensant media intelligentsia want Xtra’s “pink” newspaper boxes back. What they don’t want is the task of investigating Xtra. Good thing I’m here


Ms Kyle Kirkup lied about Stonewall at Torontoist, whose co-editor-in-chief and de facto publisher backed him to the hilt

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None. I quit.

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