Archive for category: Linguistics


Pronunciations are converging on [ˌænˈtiːfʌ]


Instagram hovers on top of human language. It’s a global medium without a hint of of cultural appropriation or imperialism


Two sites about diacritics


Martin Freeman: “Listen, I’m sorry for an Englishman speaking English. I apologize if that’s stamping all over your New World imperialism. But frankly there are some of us here who still believe in the language”


I have a degree in linguistics and am embarking on an open-ended project to antedate (find the earliest uses of) gay and lesbian terminology


Minimal pairs that do and do not end in E


Demanding that the word transphobia be included in “the dictionary” won’t make it happen


Yes, and, if you go back far enough, I am one of the indirect reasons why


“Toronto,” words of the year, “sk(c)optical” (all sic)

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None. I quit.

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