Archive for category: Linguistics


What’s the American word of the year? Birther. What’s the word of the year, period? Birther. And here’s why


Two paralinguistic observations about Ariel Levy’s endless feature on Caster Semenya in the New Yorker


No, Caleb Crain, wordspaces are not strictly necessary.


Ignite Toronto is making the same mistakes in its second outing it did in its first. Also: Why can’t computers read the Goof sign?


The Royal Bank of Canada has trouble spelling the word practise


Excitable city councillor Howard Moscoe goes a bit overboard complaining about Microsoft Word’s anglicisms


Why didn’t the alien language work on District 9? Because we cannot conceive of what we cannot conceive


David Mitchell has never heard of a blog. “Literary… blocs?”


How convincing does the alien language in District 9 sound? (And look?)

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