Archive for category: Macintosh supremacy

Of or pertaining to the supremacy of the Macintosh


Braille displays work instantly on Macs and iPads


James Galbraith attempted to explain what you can and cannot attach to an Apple Thunderbolt Display – and failed. So let me give it a shot


Now that generous, well-liked Felix Salmon has made essentially the same point about reporting on Apple CEO Tim Cook as I did, perhaps technology journalists will grab another chance to grow up


Kenneth Grange can’t find his Mac Mini’s power button. And whose fault might that be?


“Surfaces without apology” should be the new slogan, rallying cry, and ideal of industrial designers


iPad split keyboard (2011) vs. Apple Adjustable Keyboard (1993)


OS X 10.7 will work in Arabic. This may not go well


Under iOS 5, not only can you set a ringtone for each of your contacts, you can set a flashtone (not quite) and a vibetone


Correcting my 55-year-old friend

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None. I quit.

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