Archive for category: Music


Name two male singers who could and plausibly would cover “Jackie” (updated)


‘Because I did meet with the Pet Shop Boys about doing the music afterwards, but their attitude was like “You can’t afford us, baby” ’


CBC Electronic has no mandate and no budget, and next to no profile


Claire Berlinski’s Times article on Rammstein was a warm-up act for her later book chapter on that topic. Also! She knows she’s a knockout


Autobiographical details Gary Shteyngart wove into his zippy, juicy profile of M.I.A.


“Jingle Rock Bell” by P.S. Tail: You try it


I have copy-edited an available version of The Rock Critical List and published it for posterity


Dépêche Mode, graphic-design band


Lady Gaga: “Not dumb” or actually “smart”?

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None. I quit.

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