Archive for category: Splorpist

Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s Splorp.com


I don’t think there will be a lot of pedestrian traffic on this rocky outcropping.

Void in an outcropping by waterside is festooned with sawhorses and yellow Caution tape

But still. Better safe than sorry.

Green streetcar viewed through transit shelter with diagonal white stripes across its window

Sometimes you gotta be in the right place at the right time.

Circular building with V-shaped concrete flutings sits behind a giant crane that raises its hook
Behind a row of parked bicycles, one grey and one yellow scissorlift sit inside a subway station

Not quite an only-in-Toronto sighting, but the chance viewing of a family of geese hanging out next to the sidewalk is at least more likely here.

Canada goose and four fluffy goslings on waterside hill alongside an iron railing

Sorry it isn’t LOLGEESE.

Numerous wide metal carts, with many thinly-spaced shelves, sit under a mesh canopy held up by metal studs

I appreciate the effort to jazz up this horrid little garage by, first of all, replicating the garage-door windows as a panel of 1970s colour chips and, no doubt as a last resort, through the addition of a superclassy BMW.

Altered Images Auto Collision storefront has parked BMW and, projecting from the roof, twelve pastel-coloured panels

If only it weren’t the starter model. Arriviste.

Orange Contempra phone and chair

A Month of Subways extra!

My feet, in L.L. Bean duckboots, jammed under a bus seat and behind a corrugated steel box

This is the penalty-box seat right behind the one with the most footroom in the fleet. Oh, and these buses, the slowest in that fleet, are 20 years old.

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None. I quit.

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