Archive for category: Splorpist
Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s
- Citroën SM chevrons (2006.06.13)
- Rainbow Smart (2006.06.10)
Just don’t park ’er nose to curb.
- Citroën Cluster Phenomenon (2006.06.09)
My esteemed colleague and I were driving along King (for we drive and, yes, are as shatterers of worlds) and I found myself blurting out loud “Why is there a Citroën SM and why is there a Citroën DS?” In fact, there were seven Citroëns all in one place, including 2CVs and some late-model variety uncomfortably resembling a Lada Samara.
My eyes widened and I giggled and clapped my flat-outstretched hands like a schoolgirl. I made us stop the car. I took pictures until I ran out of juice. I talked to the SM owner. (“Whenever you show people a Citroën SM, they think The Longest Yard: ‘Don’t you take my Maserati!’ Except it isn’t a Maserati. It’s a Citroën; the engine is a Maserati.”) I watched various Eurotrash in too-tight and/or ruffled shirts and overlarge shades clutch their twee twine-handled shopping bags as they regarded these alien creatures.
Our philosophical question de la journée: If we know these things hike themselves up to drive away on their hydraulic suspensions, why do they have to hunch back down again once parked? The French showing off or something?
- Frogman (2006.06.05)
Yet another instalment in the seemingly endless stream of surprises down at the Beach.
I saw this frogman in orange (for it is he) walk smartly into the lake. Then I noticed the other guy, who soon hollered over to the frogman “While you’re down there, can you look for my glasses?”
I thought this was a joke. I was – so help me – on my way over to suggest that he should have said “contact lenses” when the frogman reached in and – so help me – pulled out a pair of eyeglasses and handed them to the other guy.
I love this shit.
And did you notice the intake vent camouflaged as a rocky outcropping?
- Picking cherries on the beach (2006.06.04)
- Chromostereoptic freight train (2006.05.28)
- Spooky burnt garbage can (2006.05.26)
Somebody found an old woodburning kit?
- Verdant path (2006.05.25)
- Park Smart (2006.05.24)
Do the obvious thing and park your Smart nose or arse to the curb and what you get is a ticket.
The ticket is for failing to park parallel to the curb. Impossible in a Hummer, admittedly. Perhaps the Smart was mistaken for a motorcycle.