Archive for category: Splorpist

Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s Splorp.com

Red, tractor-sized industrial lawnmower has blade pulled up to reveal a uniform coating of green grass on the underside

And now… in stereo:

Two red, tractor-sized industrial lawnmowers sit with blades pulled upright on a flatbed trailer



Actually, that’s unfair. This is merely one of the many unique yet unheralded vistas available here. Where else might you find a backhoe at the lakeshore edge?

At shore of beach, a backhoe digs into sand as a large pile of sand sits nearby. Man in orange vest and hard hat watches from nearby sandbar

This pickup truck has an added train wheel on each corner. Whilst taking pictures, the driver chatted me up. He has to pull out a safety pin, drop each wheel down, and then manually jack up each corner of the truck. It then becomes possible to drive down the tracks, sort of Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd–style.

White pickup truck has a wide metal wheel half the diameter of the truck’s wheel that sits behind it

By the way, one curious and dangerous feature of Toronto is the train tracks running right through the city, sometimes so close you can look out your window and see individual bolts on wheels. The trains usually just creep along, except of course for the train tracks through Leslieville, where the Via trains run at full tilt and are quite free with blowing the whistle. Trains in one’s backyard make for a a cozy feel and a distinctive cityscape, but they’re an invitation to disaster. It already happened in Mississauga in 1979.


When you’re spending this much money, all you need is one.

Car windshield has a single large wiper arm hinged at the right and reflects green tree branches
Large spool of thick black cable sits on sidewalk surrounded by orange pylons, almost obscuring a wall behind it sniped with ‘Kamataki’ posters
Brown-bearded man wears Iceweb 2006 name badge and grey Emigre DESIGN IS A GOOD IDEA T-shirt
Fit blond man raises and crimps the hem of his blue T-shirt
Man in cotless gloves pulls open black jacket to reveal a blue hoodie emblazoned VEGAN

Apart from mixing Arial and Helvetica, this sign asserts that Working Dogs Must Have A Certificate.

A Certificate from what? Community college? If I’m blind and I walk in with a guide dog, I’m blind and that’s my guide dog, OK?


Or innards of ticket dispenser for parking.

Metal door is swung open from control panel and faceplate, with yellow warning label on the side showing a man hitting his head against that door

Watch your head, though.

Woman holds large round light reflector at a red-haired man in a white suit, who faces away as another man aims a camera down at him from an upper-level fence

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None. I quit.

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